Virginia TV Channels

List of television stations in Virginia.

This is a list of broadcast television stations serving cities in the U.S. state of Virginia.

ABC 7 WJLA-TV Live from Virginia
ABC 13 WSET TV Live from Virginia
ABC 8News – WRIC TV Live from Virginia
ACPS-TV (Alexandria City Public Schools TV) Live from Virginia
AlexTV (Alexandria Government Cable Channel 70) Live from Virginia
Arlington TV (ATV) Live from Virginia
Arlington Independent Media (AIM) Live TV Online from Virginia
CBS 6 WTVR TV Live from Virginia
CPA-TV (Charlottesville Public Access) Live from Virginia
Fairfax Channel 16 Live from Virginia
FCCTV (Falls Church City Television) Live from Virginia
Fox 21/27 Lynchburg WFXR Live TV Online from Virginia
Fox 43 WVBT Live TV Online from Virginia
GMU-TV Live from Virginia
Hampton City Channel (Hampton TV) Live from Virginia
Heritage TV Live from Virginia
JCC TV (James City County TV) Live from Virginia
Flames TV (Liberty Flames Sports Network – LFSN TV) – Live TV Online from Virginia
LTV Live TV Online from Virginia
NBC12 WWBT TV Live from Virginia
NNN TV 48 Live from Virginia
NNPS TV (Newport News Public Schools TV) Live from Virginia
NOVA TV (NVCC-TV) Live from Virginia
River City TV Live from Virginia – Video Live from Virginia
WAVY TV 10 Live from Virginia
WCAV CBS 19 Live from Virginia
WCYB-TV (News 5) Live from Virginia
WCTV (Chesapeake Television) Live from Virginia
WDBJ7 TV Live from Virginia
WHSV TV 3 Live from Virginia
WJHL News Channel 11 – Live TV Online from Virginia
WKTR TV Live from Virginia
WSLS 10 TV Live from Virginia
WVEC 13 NewsNow – Live TV Online from Virginia
WVIR-TV (NBC 29) Live from Virginia

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